The donations given to Ascension & Holy Trinity make a difference to our church and our community.
We accept donations by check, cash, online payments, and stock.
Our preferred method of donation is by check, which can be mailed to the church or dropped off during office hours. For cash donations, please contact the church office to make arrangements.
We offer online giving through credit card payments via PayPal. Please click the dropdown list and select the best option for your donation. If your preference is for this method, please consider adding to your donation to help offset the cost of processing fees.
For stock donations, please remember to complete the A&HT Stock Transfer Form. The form provides instructions for your broker and, by providing us with a copy of the form, notifies us of the stock transfer and how you would like us to apply the sale proceeds.
Giving to A&HT
as of November 4, 2022
There are now two additional ways you can give to A&HT – Zelle and Venmo! Zelle allows you to send money directly from your bank account to A&HT’s bank account (via treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com) with no fees on the transaction. Venmo allows you to send money from your Venmo account to the church’s Venmo account (@Ascension_and_Holy_Trinity) for a small fee.
Below is a complete list of ways you can give to A&HT. Choose the option or options that work best for you. Please make sure you indicate what your donation is for (pledge payment, general contribution, outreach project, special holiday offering, etc.). All givers will receive a year-end giving statement in January for the previous calendar year.
Put cash in the offering plate. If you’d like to get credit for the donation, please put your cash in an envelope with your name on it.
Write a check to A&HT and drop it in the offering plate or mail to the attention of Treasurer, 334 Burns Ave, Wyoming, Ohio 45215.
Transfer stock shares to the church’s brokerage account. Instructions can be found on the church’s stock transfer form posted on our website above or you may request a form by sending an email to treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com. The completed form is sent to your broker and a copy to the finance office. Upon receipt of the stock shares, we sell the shares and your donation is equal to the net proceeds.
Use Zelle to transfer money from your bank account to the church’s bank account. There are no fees for the transfer. From your bank’s website, send money via Zelle to treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com.
Use Venmo to send money from your Venmo account to ours. From Venmo, send money to @Ascension_and_Holy_Trinity or treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com. The church pays a fee of 1.9%; your entire contribution will show on your year-end giving statement.
Contribute via PayPal to treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com. The church pays a fee of 1.99%; your entire contribution will show on your year-end giving statement.
If you are 70.5 or older, you may benefit from contributing directly from your IRA. Anyone 70.5 years of age or older can give up to $100,000 as a tax-free gift, in the form of a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from their traditional IRA account. The contribution will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA for the tax year.
For any questions, please email treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com.
New A&HT Stock Transfer Form
as of October 2023
With Schwab’s purchase of TD Ameritrade, all brokerage accounts owned by TD Ameritrade were moved in September to Schwab’s platform. The church now has a new A&HT Stock Transfer Form for donors to use with its new Schwab account information. All TD Ameritrade accounts are now closed, so please do not use any previous versions of the church’s stock transfer form.
To donate stock shares to the church, please complete the new A&HT Stock Transfer Form and submit it to your broker. If your broker has their own form for stock transfers, please provide the “Transfer TO” information, which is the church’s Schwab account information, to complete your broker’s form. Please submit a COPY of the stock transfer form (either A&HT’s form or your broker’s form) to the church finance office OR notify the Treasurer by email or phone to communicate the stock name, number of shares you are transferring, and how you would like the stock sale proceeds to be applied. When stock is received in the church’s brokerage account, we are not told who or where the stock came from, so having information in advance is helpful, so we can properly recognize the donation.
Questions? Contact Carol Ostrander Gomez (Treasurer) or Laura Bence (Finance Office Manager) at treasurer@ascensionholytrinity.com or (513) 821-5341. As always, thank you for your financial support of the church.